Facebook Messenger will be Tough Competitor for WhatsApp and SMS Applications - Facecbook previously reported that the plan to purchase the application WhatsApp but ultimately that Facebook has other plans after the Facebook launches Facebook Messenger in different formats and separate from their official site and also Facecbook Messenger application is also able to be used even if the user does not log in to your Facebook account owned.

Facebook Party hopes to steps taken by them is that the Facebook Messenger app could attract many enthusiasts and is widely used by many people for chatting as well as applications that have been circulated beforehand that whatApp, Blackberry Messenger and so on. Foolproof way provided by the Facebook for using Facebook Messenger app is that users only use the phone number on the handset device coupled with its very easy pendaftaraan also where the user just fill in the names and numbers also owned it.
Facebook Messenger application is expected by the Facebook can also attract many new users to the social networking site Facebook where they are when someone finally installing Messenger Facebook application on their phone, it will be one step closer to a persons proficiency level will be the users of Facebook. Currently for renewal Facebook Messenger service model is only available in a few countries such as India, Indonesia, Venezuela, Australia, and South Africa.
But unfortunately, until now there has been no information on when kepastiaan Facebook Messenger app will be officially available for iOS. Facebook Party has a plan that future Facebook Messenger app is able to compete with several other applications that have been outstanding and popular today as applications WhatsApp, BBM, SMS and so on.
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